29 Oktober 2010

Info Gunung Merapi Yogyakarta

Tanggal 26 Oktober Gunung Merapi di perbatasan Jawa Tengah dan DIY Jogja meletus. untuk info lengkap dan ilmu kegunung apian bisa klik di www.rovicky.wordpress.com.
Foto foto dibawah ini setelah letrusan diambil dari blog tersebut.

Burnt trees and ash cover the ground in the village of Kinarrejo in Sleman, near the ancient city of Yogyakarta, October 27, 2010. (REUTERS/Beawiharta) #

A mother carries her son as she runs following the erupution of Mount Merapi, at Kaliurang village in Sleman, on October 26, 2010. (Ulet Ifansasti/Getty Images) #

Indonesian search and rescue teams explore the area after Mount Merapi volcano erupted the night before in the village of Pakem in Sleman, Yogyakarta province on October 27, 2010. (CLARA PRIMA/AFP/Getty Images) #


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